Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why do cats almost always land on their feet?

Have you noticed that cats always land on their feet? If you have a cat, you can try this at home.

Lift up your cat and throw it gently against a wall. This amazing cat will float in the air, and then by some magical powers land on its feet. Try this at any time, day or night, or even when your cat is sleeping.

Even baby cats seemed to have learnt this and it seems to be a natural instinct that is based on animal genes.

Some of us may be inspired to try this ourselves. But be warned. You are not a cat, and cats are more agile than you are. We will not be responsible for broken heads or other parts of your body. Although some ninja kids have performed stunts like these in the past, please remember, they are ninjas and have years of training behind them.

Until next time, best of luck and don't forget to feed your cat.

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